
Creating Significant Impact

Is your ambition to integrate sustainability into everything you do? Why not make it an integral part of your job, too?

At Allianz we aim to shape the sustainability of the entire financial services industry. Together we will tackle the effects of climate change, positively contribute to society, manage our potential negative impacts, and contribute to a sustainable future.

Allianz Sustainability Report 2022

As a founding member of the UN-convened Net Zero Asset Owners Alliance, we are committed to achieving net zero across our investments and underwriting portfolios by 2050. Our 2022 Sustainability Report provides a concise summary of our various commitments, strategies, targets, and accomplishments, all aimed at ensuring a more sustainable future for our employees, partners, and customers. The report offers a comprehensive overview of a wide range of topics, including how we handle Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) risks and opportunities within our business, provide sustainable solutions, safeguard our customers, nurture our workforce, and actively engage with our community.



Integrating Sustainability

If your ambition is to integrate sustainability into everything you do, why don't you start with your job? At Allianz, we don't just want to be a leading company. Instead, we want to help shape the sustainability of the entire financial services industry. Together we will tackle climate change, positively contribute to society, manage our potential negative impacts, and create a sustainable future.

Social Impact and Sustainability Jobs

Our ambition to work together for a more sustainable future starts with over 150,000 people who work at Allianz in over 70 countries. Become part of the team and discover your opportunity now.

Become a crew member and support the ocean

Are you interested in experiencing Allianz's sustainability efforts firsthand and in person? Then, as an Allianz employee, you can become a full member of the ship's crew, spending two weeks working and performing hands-on work onboard the Sea Eagle ship! SEA EAGLE is our initiative in collaboration with Sea Shepherd to collect abandoned fishing equipment and contribute to reducing plastic debris in the ocean & seas.


Train like a Paralympian

Join the MoveNow initiative, our inclusive training videos and workout plans co-created by people with disabilities and Paralympians! To overcome the main barriers people with disabilities face, the MoveNow Training Videos are made accessible by instructors with the skills and willingness to be inclusive. As the Worldwide Insurance Partner of the Olympic & Paralympic Movements, we commit to moving the next generation again, strengthening the sport's role in society, and creating a healthier environment. 


Let's learn today for a sustainable tomorrow

A sustainable tomorrow requires action from each and every one of us in our private and professional life. The road to change and climate action starts with climate literacy. With the recently launched e-learning tool, the Allianz Sustainability Training, you receive the basics on sustainability in an "edutaining" way. In addition, you can learn why sustainability is so important, what Allianz is doing to integrate sustainability, and get inspiration on how you, as an individual, can contribute. 

Insights from Line Hestvik

"Sustainability means to me that we need to take care of nature, our earth, and the societies we live in. "

Line Hestvik, Chief Sustainability Officer at Allianz SE

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Shaping a positive future for next generations

Today's children and youth are tomorrow's leaders, employees, customers, and investors. But they still face significant training, education, and employment barriers to achieving self-sustained livelihoods. We have a role to play in ensuring that the next generations can overcome the economic and social impacts of the pandemic and other geopolitical and systematic social risks, such as climate change. Join our numerous volunteering programs!