Welcome, Para athletes and athletes

Let’s care for tomorrow. For your professional future. As a TOP Partner of the Olympic and Paralympic Movements, Allianz supports active and retired athletes in finding new career opportunities in the insurance business.

Register for our athlete talent pool

Interested in starting a career beyond the world of competitive sports? We are seeking Para athletes and athletes who competed or are competing on the national level in their sports discipline and are open to widening their horizons by joining the Worldwide Insurance Partner of the Olympic and Paralympic Movements. Our recruiters are looking forward to help talents with an athlete background find a job that matches their skills and mindset –in functions like Marketing, Sales, HR, Legal, Operations and many more. No matter if you plan a dual career track or a post-sports career, we can’t wait to welcome you into our community of Para athletes and athletes at Allianz.


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Why should you register for the Athlete Talent Pool?

The Athlete Talent Pool is a service from Allianz to all active and retired athletes and Para athletes who compete on national level or higher. As a worldwide partner of the Olympic and Paralympic Movements, Allianz has set its focus on supporting athletes to start a business career during or after their career as a professional athlete. After registering, you can make your candidate profile visible to our recruiters worldwide who may reach out to you for a personal conversation or for sharing a potential job opportunity.

Submit your CV and indicate in which country you would like to work!

During the registration process, we strongly advise you to upload your CV. This allows our recruiters to get a better picture of your skills and achievements which makes it much easier for them to find a suitable job to kick-off your business career! In case you didn’t upload your CV during the registration process, you can always upload it to your profile at a later point in time. As Allianz has entities operating worldwide, make sure to indicate in which countries you would be able to work. This again helps to find the perfect job match for you!

Join our digital platform for athletes!

Allianz offers various opportunities to support athletes like you beyond your sports career. As a member of the Athlete Talent Pool, we invite you to explore our exclusive offerings on our digital platform for athletes. It consists of four main areas: Career Opportunities, Partner University offerings (such as coaching offerings & courses), Digital Learning courses and LinkedIn Community for athletes. Once you register for the Athlete Talent Pool, you will be offered access to the platform and receive further information. 

Find your next opportunity

Explore the variety of opportunities and open positions within Allianz Group.

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Olympic & Paralympic Partnership

Nothing else empowers, unites and brings out the best in people like the Olympic & Paralympic Movements. Allianz joined these Movements as the Worldwide Insurance Partner.